“Hey mom, can you make a treat for me to take to my Young Women’s group tonight”, “ Sure honey, what time do you need to be there?” , “In 15 minutes!”. Okay, can’t bake, don’t have any pre-packaged anything in my house, fruit? Not unless I want to make my daughter look bad. So…. Hmmm… what can I pull off in ten minutes? “ Can you make some popcorn ?”. "I can do better than that sweetie pie, much better".
And so it was… A delicious kettle corn whipped up at the last minute and I have to say…”salty, sweet, loving heavenly crunch". What a yummy treat! You really gotta try this one for a last minute, gotta have a treat.
Hey, it worked for me :)
Last Minute Olive Oil Kettle Corn
1/3 cup white popcorn kernels
3 Tablespoons EVOO
2 Tablespoons Butter (optional)
½ cup cane sugar
Sea salt to sprinkle
1. Toss the EVOO in a large pot (you must have a fitting lid made of glass), and toss the popcorn in.
2. Heat over a medium/high flame until the popcorn starts popping. When the bottom of the pot is covered with popped kernels, very carefully open the pot and pour in sugar (Warning: this is scary, because some of the popping corn will escape.
3. The popping will start to slow a bit and that’s normal. When popping picks up, drop the flame to medium/low. With the cover still on, move the pot over the flame with a back and forth motion.
4. Continue moving pot until popping slows down. Quickly remove from heat as the sugar continues cooking and will easily burn.
5. Stir in melted butter and sprinkle with salt.
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